Bright spots

Almost 3 months have passed by since the last post and since this time, I started a lot of plannings to in the end discard them. But now it finally looks like we could start season 2021.

For the kickoff I will travel to Czech Republic together with Thomas. On May, 22 the ACCR is having their rally sprint Kopná. Also in this year, we will bring the Fabia S2000 to the start line which we will also use at the German Champioship kickoff which was now moved to Rallye Stemweder Berg mid of June.

Between those two events, I will be back abroad again. Together with Nicolai Göttig I will compete at Rallye Velenje in the vicinity of Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana. The focus for this event will be – same like at Cimbern rally 2020 – the quality of the pacenotes as well as improving braking. Sounds easy, but can become very tricky when pushing the limits.

Anyways, we all are massively looking forward to finally starting the season after more than 6 months of winter break. If you’re searching for one of us, you might most probably find us in one of the many Covid test centres around the world 😉